1-7-179, M.G. Road, Near Paradise Circle, Hyderabad 500003
Phone: 40-27842267 Fax: 40-27842268
Phone: 40-23757575 Fax: 40-23757677
Email: hyd@hotelgreenpark.com
Website: http://www.hotelgreenpark.com
Phone: 40-27843760 Fax: 40-27899095
Phone: 40-55633888 Fax: 40-55828222
Email: amruthacastlebw@eth.net
Read moreWebsite: http://www.amruthacastle.com
Phone: 40-23230105 Fax: 40-55510220
Phone: 40-27703200 Fax: 40-27704745
Phone: 40-23237921
Email: hotel_dwarka_palace@rediff.com
Phone: 40-27845020 Fax: 40-27841455
Read moreEmail: hotel_dwarka_heritage@usa.net
Phone: 40-55110101 Fax: 40-55110122
Email: golkonda@nettlinx.com
Website: http://www.hotelgolconda.com
Phone: 40-24752929 Fax: 40-24753919
Email: hoteljaya@hotmail.com
Phone: 40-27840191 Fax: 40-27848343
Email: info@karancomfort.com
Read moreWebsite: http://www.karancomfort.com
Phone: 40-23220448 Fax: 40-23222068
Phone: 40-23220204 Fax: 40-23372427
Email: redd_y@satyam.net.in
Phone: 40-27840466 Fax: 40-27840599
Read moreEmail: parklanehotel@yahoo.com
Phone: 40-24740650 Fax: 40-24617478
Email: rajdhani01@sify.com
Website: http://www.hotelrajdhani.com
Phone: 40-23201000 Fax: 40-23204133
Read moreEmail: hotelrajmata@yahoo.com
Phone: 40-55785566 Fax: 40-55660631
Email: hotelrukminiriviera@yahoo.co.in
Website: http://www.hotelrukminiriviera.com
Phone: 40-26622142
Phone: 40-23400132 Fax: 40-23401045
Email: itc.kakatiya@welcomgroup.com
Website: http://www.itcwelcomgroup.in
Phone: 40-27764242 Fax: 40-27765151
Email: reserve@kamatlingapur.com
Website: http://www.kamatlingapur.com
Phone: 40-23352337 Fax: 40-23352321
Email: info@mountopera.com
Website: http://www.mountopera.com
Phone: 40-23298811 Fax: 40-23235990
Email: baseraa@hd2.vsnl.net.in
Website: http://www.ohris.com
Phone: 40-26666555 Fax: 40-23376005
Email: info@peralregency.com
Website: http://www.hotelpearlregency.com
Phone: 40-23204060 Fax: 40-23204040
Email: reservations@theresidency-hyd.com
Website: http://www.theresidency-hyd.com
Phone: 40-23236871 Fax: 40-23214403
Phone: 40-27702496 Fax: 40-23394110
Phone: 40-55669999 Fax: 40-55661919
Email: banjara.hyderabad@tajhotels.com
Website: http://www.tajhotels.com
Phone: 40-23392323 Fax: 40-23393079
Email: tkhbc.hyd@tajhotels.com
Phone: 40-24758250 Fax: 40-24758253
Email: sundertaj@satyam.net.in
Phone: 40-23393939 Fax: 40-23392684
Email: trhbcebtre.hyd@tajhotels.com
Website: http://www.holidayinn.com/hyderabad
Phone: 40-27818989 Fax: 40-27840496
Email: info@tajtristar.com
Website: http://www.tajtristar.com
Phone: 40-24758221 Fax: 40-24760068
Phone: 40-23232323 Fax: 40-23232737
Email: hyd2_cencourt@sancharnet.in
Website: http://www.thecentralcourt.com
Phone: 40-27903333 Fax: 40-27902222
Email: hotelmanohar@shrishakti.com
Website: http://www.shrishakti.com
Phone: 40-23201020 Fax: 40-23204133
Phone: 40-27538383 Fax: 40-27538797
Email: viceroy@viceroyhotels.com
Website: http://www.viceroyhotels.com
Phone: 40-55788888
Phone: 40-55633888 Fax: 40-55828222
Phone: 40-55510001 Fax: 40-55666111
Phone: 40-23325678 Fax: 40-23394411
Phone: 40-23757575 Fax: 40-23757677
Phone: 40-23230105 Fax: 40-55510220
Phone: 40-27846901 Fax: 40-27845583
Phone: 40-27703200 Fax: 40-27704745
Phone: 40-27840466 Fax: 40-27840599
Phone: 40-27538383 Fax: 40-27538797
Phone: 40-23224431
Phone: 40-23298811
Phone: 40-3757575 Fax: 40-23757677
Phone: 40-23310132
Phone: 40-23735494
Phone: 40-27848077
Phone: 40-55669999 Fax: 40-55661919
Phone: 40-55662323 Fax: 40-5561313
Phone: 40-23393939 Fax: 40-23392684
Phone: 40-27818989 Fax: 40-27840496
Phone: 40-23232323 Fax: 40-23232737
Phone: 40-3204060
Phone: 40-27903333
Phone: 40-24611573
Phone: 40-24612095
Phone: +91-40-32996255
Email: narendra.chandak@rediffmail.com
Website: http://www.dishwarmer.com/
Phone: 40-27842267 Fax: 40-27842268
82, Mainguard Road, Hyderabad 500003
Phone: 40-27810810 Fax: 40-27810815
1-10-63 & 64, Chikoti Gardens, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016
Phone: 40-55329999 Fax: 40-55266669
Email: info@celebrityhospitality.com
#8, Rajbhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082
Phone: 40-23325678 Fax: 40-23394411
Email: mail@fortuneparkhotels.com
Read moreWebsite: http://www.fortunekatriya.com
Green Park
Greenlands, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-23757575 Fax: 40-23757677
Email: hyd@hotelgreenpark.com
Website: http://www.hotelgreenpark.com
Hotel Ambassador
1/7/2027, S.D. Road, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27843760 Fax: 40-27899095
Hotel Amrutha Castle Best Western
5-9-16, Opp. Secretariat, Saifabad, Hyderabad 500063Phone: 40-55633888 Fax: 40-55828222
Email: amruthacastlebw@eth.net
Read moreWebsite: http://www.amruthacastle.com
Hotel Ashoka
6/1/1970, Lakadi-ka-pool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-23230105 Fax: 40-55510220
Hotel Baseraa
9-1-167/168, Sarojini Devi Road, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27703200 Fax: 40-27704745
Email: baseraa@hd2.vsnl.net.in
Website: http://www.baseraa.comHotel Dwaraka Palace
Rajabhavan Road, Lakadi-ka-pool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-23237921
Email: hotel_dwarka_palace@rediff.com
Hotel Dwarka Heritage
116, Chenoy Trade Centre, Park Lane, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27845020 Fax: 40-27841455
Read moreEmail: hotel_dwarka_heritage@usa.net
Hotel Golkonda
10-1-124, Masab Tank, Hyderabad 500028Phone: 40-55110101 Fax: 40-55110122
Email: golkonda@nettlinx.com
Website: http://www.hotelgolconda.com
Hotel Jaya International
P.O. Box 264, Hanuman Tekdi, Abids, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-24752929 Fax: 40-24753919
Email: hoteljaya@hotmail.com
Hotel Karan
1-2-261/1, S.D. Road, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27840191 Fax: 40-27848343
Email: info@karancomfort.com
Read moreWebsite: http://www.karancomfort.com
Hotel Minerva
H.No. 3-6-199/1, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad 500029Phone: 40-23220448 Fax: 40-23222068
Hotel Nagarjuna
36-356/358, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad 500029Phone: 40-23220204 Fax: 40-23372427
Email: redd_y@satyam.net.in
Hotel Parklane
115, Park Lane, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27840466 Fax: 40-27840599
Read moreEmail: parklanehotel@yahoo.com
Hotel Rajdhani
15-1-503, Siddiamber Bazar, Hyderabad 500012Phone: 40-24740650 Fax: 40-24617478
Email: rajdhani01@sify.com
Website: http://www.hotelrajdhani.com
Hotel Rajmata
5-8-230, Nampally, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-23201000 Fax: 40-23204133
Read moreEmail: hotelrajmata@yahoo.com
Hotel Rukmini Riviera
6-1-1062, Behind Hotel Dwaraka, Lakadi-ka-pool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-55785566 Fax: 40-55660631
Email: hotelrukminiriviera@yahoo.co.in
Website: http://www.hotelrukminiriviera.com
Hotel Sangeetha International
Above Renuka Silks, Opp. Nims Hospital, Panjagutta, Hyderabad 500082Phone: 40-26622142
ITC Hotel Kakatiya Sheraton & Towers
#6-3-1187, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-23400132 Fax: 40-23401045
Email: itc.kakatiya@welcomgroup.com
Website: http://www.itcwelcomgroup.in
Kamat Lingapur Hotel
1-10-44/2, Chikoti Gardens, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-27764242 Fax: 40-27765151
Email: reserve@kamatlingapur.com
Website: http://www.kamatlingapur.com
Mount Opera
NH-9, Batasingaram, Hayathnagar, Hyderabad 501511Phone: 40-23352337 Fax: 40-23352321
Email: info@mountopera.com
Website: http://www.mountopera.com
Ohri's Cuisine Court
5-9-30/16-20, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad 500029Phone: 40-23298811 Fax: 40-23235990
Email: baseraa@hd2.vsnl.net.in
Website: http://www.ohris.com
Pearl Regency
11-5-431, Red Hills, Lakadi-ka-pool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-26666555 Fax: 40-23376005
Email: info@peralregency.com
Website: http://www.hotelpearlregency.com
Quality Inn Residency
5-8-231 to 262, Public Graden Road, Nampally, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-23204060 Fax: 40-23204040
Email: reservations@theresidency-hyd.com
Website: http://www.theresidency-hyd.com
Shree Venkateshwara Lodge
6/1/1974, Lakadi-ka-pool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-23236871 Fax: 40-23214403
Star Of India Hotel & Restaurant
7-2-106 & 108, Sajjanlal Street, Hyderabad 500025Phone: 40-27702496 Fax: 40-23394110
Taj Banjara
Road No.1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034Phone: 40-55669999 Fax: 40-55661919
Email: banjara.hyderabad@tajhotels.com
Website: http://www.tajhotels.com
Taj Krishna
Road No.1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034Phone: 40-23392323 Fax: 40-23393079
Email: tkhbc.hyd@tajhotels.com
Taj Mahal Hotel
4/1/1999, Abids, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-24758250 Fax: 40-24758253
Email: sundertaj@satyam.net.in
Taj Residency
Road No.1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034Phone: 40-23393939 Fax: 40-23392684
Email: trhbcebtre.hyd@tajhotels.com
Website: http://www.holidayinn.com/hyderabad
Taj Tristar
1-1-40, Opp. Manju Theatre, Sarojini Devi Road, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27818989 Fax: 40-27840496
Email: info@tajtristar.com
Website: http://www.tajtristar.com
Tajmahal Hotel
4-1-1000, Kingkoti, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-24758221 Fax: 40-24760068
The Central Court Hotel
6/1/1971, Lakadi-ka-pool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-23232323 Fax: 40-23232737
Email: hyd2_cencourt@sancharnet.in
Website: http://www.thecentralcourt.com
The Manohar
Adjacent to Airport Exit Road, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-27903333 Fax: 40-27902222
Email: hotelmanohar@shrishakti.com
Website: http://www.shrishakti.com
The Royal Hotel
5-8-225, Opp. Namapally Railway Station, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-23201020 Fax: 40-23204133
Viceroy Hotel & Convention Center
Opp. Hussain Sagar Lake, Tank Bund Road, Hyderabad 500080Phone: 40-27538383 Fax: 40-27538797
Email: viceroy@viceroyhotels.com
Website: http://www.viceroyhotels.com
Aditya Park Inn
Aditya Trade Center, Ameerpet, Hyderabad 500038Phone: 40-55788888
Amrutha Castle
5-9-16, Opp. Secretariat, Saifabad, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-55633888 Fax: 40-55828222
Comfort Inn Wood Bridge Hotel
AC Guards, Lakadikapool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-55510001 Fax: 40-55666111
Fortune Katriya Hotels
Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082Phone: 40-23325678 Fax: 40-23394411
Green Park
Green Lands, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-23757575 Fax: 40-23757677
Hotel Ashoka
Beside Central Court, Lakadikapool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-23230105 Fax: 40-55510220
Hotel Asrani International
M.G. Road, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27846901 Fax: 40-27845583
Hotel Baseraa
S.D. Road, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27703200 Fax: 40-27704745
Hotel Parklane
115, Parklane, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27840466 Fax: 40-27840599
Hotel Viceroy
Opp. Hussain Sagar Lake, Tankbund, HyderabadPhone: 40-27538383 Fax: 40-27538797
Mohini Restaurant
3-6-342, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad 500029Phone: 40-23224431
Ohri's Cusine Court
Basheerbagh, Hyderabad 500029Phone: 40-23298811
Once Upon A Time
Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-3757575 Fax: 40-23757677
Peshawri ITC Kakatiya Sheraton
Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-23310132
Punjabi Restaurant
5-4-424, Station Road, Nampally, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-23735494
Satkar (Veg Restaurant)
1-10-745/1, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-27848077
Taj Banjara
Road No. 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034Phone: 40-55669999 Fax: 40-55661919
Taj Krishna
Road No. 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034Phone: 40-55662323 Fax: 40-5561313
Taj Mahal Hotel
Abids Road, Abids, Hyderabad 500001Taj Residency
Road No. 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034Phone: 40-23393939 Fax: 40-23392684
Taj Tri Star
S.D. Road, Hyderabad 500003Phone: 40-27818989 Fax: 40-27840496
The Central Court
6-1-710, Lakadikapool, Hyderabad 500004Phone: 40-23232323 Fax: 40-23232737
The Residency
Maheshwari Palza, Public Garden Road, Nampally, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-3204060
The Tulip Manohar
Adj. Air Port, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016Phone: 40-27903333
Vijaya Darshini
Inside Hotel Kakatiya, Station Road, Nampally, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-24611573
Woodland Restaurant
5-4-427/434, Station Road, Nampally, Hyderabad 500001Phone: 40-24612095
Sri Vaishnavi Enterprises
Plot No. 112/A, Phase III, SV-Cooperative Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Hyderabad 500037Phone: +91-40-32996255
Email: narendra.chandak@rediffmail.com
Website: http://www.dishwarmer.com/
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